Republic of the Philippines

Department of Public Works and Highways ROXIII

Quality Assurance and Hydrology Division

Doongan, Butuan City

About Us


QAHD shall implement quality to ensure the safety of all infrastructure facilities and to assure efficiency and proper quality in the construction and maintenance of government public works


QAHD shall be the center of excellence in implementing construction standards and materials testing, and a leading advocate of quality assurance practices


A. Safe and Quality Infrastructure
B. Transparent Quality Assurance Program and Accountable Implementors
C. Provide Accurate and Reliable Field Data
D. Ensure the Testing Capability of DPWH Laboratory Through Star Rating
E. Enhance Human Capability
F. Establish Efficient Information Service
G. Optimize Use of Resources


1. Monitors the implementation of Quality Assurance Program of the Region and District Engineering Offices (DEOs) in accordance with the quality assurance policies of the Department; also monitors Quality Assurance Unit (QAU) activities and compliance of implementing office to memos issued by the Undersecretary for Technical Services; and assures implementation of Department Order related to Contractor’s Materials Engineer;
2. Evaluates quality assurance documents and reports submitted by the DEOs to ensure compliance with the policies/issuances of the Department;
3. Conducts testing of construction materials for projects undertaken by the Region, UPMO, LGUs and other government agencies and private entities;
4. Operates and maintains Regional Testing equipment and to monitor the reliability and accuracy of testing equipment/apparatus of the DEO Laboratories according to standards;
5. Reviews and recommends for approval of the Quality Control Programs (QCPs) prepared by the contractor’s Materials Engineer;
6. Identifies and recommends sources of naturally occurring and manufacture construction materials to the Bureau of Research (BRS);
7. Conducts sub-surface exploration survey and test pitting for foundation design of roads, bridges and other structures;
8. Validates request of the DEOs related to soil re-classification proposed for variation order;
9. Operates and maintains network of stream gauging stations; gather, analyzes and consolidates hydrologic data for the management of water resources; and,
10. Conducts and participates in the inspection of projects for purposes of Billing, Issuance of Certificate of Completion/Acceptance in the Regional and UPMO implemented projects and Quality Audit in the DEO.